Computerized Adjustment, Manual Adjustment, Flexion Distraction, Stretching, Myofascial Release, Active Release Technique, Electrical Muscle Stimulation, DOT Physicals, Therapeutic Exercises, Trigger Point Release
Manual Chiropractic Adjustment
Therapeutic procedure where a licensed and trained Chiropractor uses their hands to manipulate joints and restore movement and movement patterns back into the spine.

Computerized analysis and Adjustment instrument:
Safe and Effective
Computerized analysis and Adjustment instrument is designed to measure joint mobility of the human vertebra and also simulate a chiropractic adjustment and/or joint mobilization through the use of a percussive force according to standard chiropractic techniques. It is intended for measurement and treatment of the human spine and extremities. The purpose in treatment is to deliver a controlled force to the treatment areas. The measurement function is designed to quantify the joint mobility commonly assessed by motion palpation.

Cox Flexion Distraction Technique
Proven treatment for Low Back Pain
The Cox Flexion Distraction Technique (also referred to as the Cox® Technic) was developed by Dr. James M. Cox as a gentle, non-force adjustment procedure to help the spine heal naturally. It is based on principles of both chiropractic and osteopathy, a combination that often provides fast relief from low back and leg pain, without the need for surgery. It is one of the most effective and well-researched techniques used by chiropractors.
The goal of Flexion Distraction is to decompress the spine by applying gentle stretching or traction to the lower spine. The Cox Flexion Distraction technique is performed on a special table (designed by Dr. Cox), which has moving parts to effectively separate the different parts of the spine. The combination of this special adjustment table and very gentle pressure utilizes flexion-distraction and decompression to increase the disc height between vertebrae, decompressing the spinal column and restoring the spinal joints to their proper alignment and range of motion. The chiropractor can adjust the different sections of the table to neutralize the effects of gravity and then apply gentle pressure to the affected areas as they move through a more normal range of motion. Movements are repetitive and usually slow, without any quick thrusts or undue pressure.

Active Myofascial Release Technique
soft tissue system that is movement based.
The technique is used to treat problems that involve the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves.

Therapeutic Exercises
Treatment using non-invasive gentle traction to stretch the spine. This relieves pressure on disc, joints, muscles and ligaments.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression
Movement Prescribed to correct impairments, imbalances, restore muscular and skeletal function and maintain your well-being.

Provides deep heating to promote tissue healing and treat chronic pain.